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Saludamos con verdadero beneplácito al Blog S.E. CULTURA MATERIAL y felicitamos a sus autores por la producción (Seminário Especial de Aprofundamento Teórico "Cultura Material Escolar" da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina. Linha de Pesquisa História e Historiografia da Educação. Esse projeto visa divulgar, interagir e dialogar sobre a temática Cultura Material Escolar)

Agradecemos que hayan difundido algunas de nuestras notas. Hoy tomamos prestada su reciente publicación de la conferencia de Juri Meda "La memoria educativa".

La Memória Educativa - Juri Meda



Juri Meda es investigador en la Historia de la Educación de la Facultad de Letras y Filosofía en la Universidad de Macerata (Italia). Es Licenciado en Letras Modernas por la Universidad de Parma, donde en 2005 se doctoró en Historia con la tesis "Llegó la tormenta. La infancia italiana y la experiencia de la guerra total (1944-1950)", publicado más tarde por EUM. De 2002 a 2004, fue miembro del consejo de redacción de la revista "Sketch", que se especializa en la historia y la crítica de cómics (historietas), publicada por el Centro de Comics Andrea Pazienza de Cremona. Mientras tanto colabora con el Instituto Nacional de Documentación para la Innovación y la Investigación Educativa de Florencia como jefe de la biblioteca y del archivo histórico. Es autor de monografías, ensayos y artículos sobre la historia de la infancia en Italia. A partir de 2006 trabajó para la revista "Historia de la Educación y Literatura Infantil", editada por EUM, y desde 2009 dirige la serie de estudios "Nerbiniana. Historia de la prensa periódica de la Infancia y la Juventud" en la editorial Nerbini de Florencia. Entre los objetivos de su investigación está el desarrollo de un método que le permite utilizar los cuadernos y dibujos escolares como fuentes históricas reales. 

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Este volumen - editado por Juri Meda y Ana Badanelli (UNED) - recoge las actas del I Workshop Italo-Español de Historia de la Cultura Escolar, celebrado en Berlanga de Duero en la sede del Centro Internacional de la Cultura Escolar (CEINCE) entre el 14 y el 16 de noviembre de 2011. La primera edición del Workshop se dedicó a hacer una balance de la investigación histórico-educativa italiana y española desde el inicio del siglo XXI hasta hoy y a definir las qué podrían ser las perspectivas de futuro para el desarrollo de esta historia de la cultura escolar en campos como la historia de los manuales escolares, las publicaciones escolares, la historia de las escrituras escolares, la cultura material de la escuela y la preservación del patrimonio histórico-educativo.
Editorial: EUM - Macerata
Fecha de publicación: 2013

"This edited volume stems from the necessity of reconstructing the history of the children’s socialist and communist periodical press of the late 19th and the early 20th century in Italy; in fact, this topic has thus far been investigated with some continuity only by a few scholars, and their analysis has been limited to the children’s communist periodicals published after World War II, completely ignoring the many previous socialist magazines. The present work attempts to fill this gap, providing an exhaustive description of that period, from the first gift-books of the late 19th century (Figli del Popolo and Strenna Minima Socialista), the one-off publications of the early 20th century (I Maggio dei Fanciulli and Alba di Maggio) and the illustrated magazines of the pre-fascist (Il Germoglio, Cuore and Il Fanciullo Proletario), to the better-known comic magazine edited by the Italian Pioneers Association (Il Pioniere), hugely popular among its readers, who still remember it with nostalgia. 
This volume draws on the rich and largely unique archival heritage preserved in the institutes and documentation centers specialized in the history and memory of the Italian workers’ movement. It is also an important contribution to the wider international debate on the emergence of “politicized childhood” during the 20th century, which is becoming more and more intense."
Editorial: Nerbini
Fecha de publicación: 31 de mayo 2013

These two volumes contain the official proceedings of the international symposium «School Exercise Books: a Complex Source for a History of the Approach to Schooling and Education in the 19th and 20th Centuries» (Macerata, September 26-29, 2007). 
The school exercise book in the contemporary age can be seen both an essential teaching aid and as a formidable tool for communication, thus as a unique source for exploring school culture and the approach to education in a given historical context. From cover to content, and including the codification process in its capacity as a material object, the school exercise book can tell us a great deal about the history of schools and education, about teaching methods and language, and about the educational projects and policies that the various nation states sought to implement in the 19th and 20th centuries. Within that framework, the history of education and literacy goes hand in hand with the history of educational ideas and of concrete educational practice, offering hitherto unexplored scenarios for research. These proceedings – which include papers submitted by scholars from all over the world (Europe, America and the Far East) – offer a broad panorama of the potential (and the limits) of such a complex source with its wealth of implications. They represent a corpus of study and enquiry based on a truly exhaustive and complete range of methods and tools of investigation. The exercise book seen as a vessel for writing, as a testimonial of educational practice as implemented by teachers, and as an essential part of the political and cultural socialisation pursued in schools, helps us to focus the historical and educational dynamic on the relationships that impart concrete substance to the rapport between educational theory, teachers, institutes of education and education policy on the one hand, and the real-life players – the men, women and children – who experienced those relationships in the first person.
More Info: Co-edited with Davide Montino & Roberto Sani, Firenze, Polistampa 2010 - voll. 2, pp. 1567, with 96 images - Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish - ISBN: 978-88-596-0724-3

Más información: "Macerata, EUM, 2007pp 282ISBN: 8860560667 9788860560667"

Más información: "Macerata, EUM, 2007 pp 306ISBN:. 8860560659 9788860560650"

Fuentes: http://seminarioculturamaterialescolar.blogspot.com.br/2014/11/la-memoria-educativa-juri-meda.html

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